ImageAngela Rodriguez

English 1 A cv231

Mon & Wed 1:30-3:20

Professor: Chinchilla

When comparing and contrasting “They Say I Say,” to Pueblo Language and Literature I thought it would be easier to contrast the two. I found rather that there are many comparisons.  Each demonstrates the importance of communication through the ages. In Pueblo language, Silko shows us that there are stories within words themselves. “Everything in this world was a part of the original Creation.” “They Say I Say,” Graff & Birkenstein show us that with formats in writing the reader can demonstrate more creative and interesting writings, to engage the audience. “In many respects our templates echo this classical rhetorical tradition of imitating established models.”  The main difference is that one is more educational and professional the other is heartfelt, poetic. Both demonstrate the importance of listening and communication.